zondag 31 december 2017

maandag 4 december 2017

Another disaster: my lovely brave Kootje died of metastatic stomach cancer today (photos yesterday)

I've no more words than telling that I am so terribly unhappy with his death. I loved him so much. During the last months the vet and I did everything to save him, but it could not be.

zondag 26 november 2017

zondag 5 november 2017

recent drama

big drama, my dear Alida died in the early morning of friday 3 november after being violently attacked by two of my other dogs, Justice and Laska. The vet tried thirsday evening all she could do to save her life but she was too badly injured. The reason Alida was so suddenly and unexpected attacked is completely unknown and inapprehensible

maandag 16 oktober 2017

day after day stalking and penetrating into my property and privacy, so today:

Despite Court order that crook continues stalking Intervention today by the gendarmerie nationale.
They warned that stalker for the very last time: 
if he don't listen, surely there will be not another warning, he'll be arrested immediately. So be it!

zondag 15 oktober 2017

that crazy stalker needs to be locked up in a psychiatric hospital, but even than...

He had so many diplomas, but not so, it's all fairy tales to impress
Thus, that perverse narcissist has built his life

dinsdag 10 oktober 2017

what a confused sick mind

Nowadays he's stalking me day after day, for example hidden in the bushes close to my fence, from where he observes, spying what's all going on at my property. Also he phoned my friends to tell among others that he lives now in the village where I live, just at a distance of 500 m. He send me voice mail, telling me with a nice voice: "my beautiful have a good day" and after that with a very evil voice telling me that I was so wrong parking my car in the middle of the road obstructing everybody...Just to let me know that he's all the time behind my back.. He approaches members of my family and friends trying to make them friend with him on facebook (surely with evil intentions)...
And so on and so on he goes, what a confused sick mind he is...


zaterdag 23 september 2017

something new.....nameplate with his name

so I cut his name off

and that sick psychopatic narcissist is going on and on..

on foot, by car and by (small)bus that mental fool is nearly daily slowly passing my property, or staying on the road aside from where he can observe me with binoculars, stalking me, he is really an completely sick asshole... a good for nothing personality

woensdag 23 augustus 2017

and that psychopathic stalker continues his dirty game: this is only the result of 22 august 2017:

chewing-gum in my detector

I took it out with my knife carefully

I keep the chewing-gum for DNA research

that's him, this time driving a van, from where he shouted at me and did threat me again

His domicile is 325 km away from mine, but Oh yes he already wrote me that he is living now for two years in my neighborhood and that we will certainly meet each other (despite court orders)

donderdag 6 juli 2017

woensdag 5 juli 2017

donderdag 29 juni 2017

Résultat de recherche d'images pour "stalker"hello stalker. i'm doing fine, thanks for checking up on me.

zaterdag 20 mei 2017

in memoriam my beloved daughter Michelle de Raaij 08-08-1961 / 21-05-2012

My deceased daughter Michelle, a highly remarkable girl !!

She lost her life partner by terrible car accident, caused by his father, after that she had 12 years of struggling with a mean brain tumor, four operations, chemo and other treatments, she never complained herself,  she  fought and conquered aphasia and being paralyzed after the 4th operation, she never lost hope, even two month before she died she kept smiling to show me and the other members of the family and friends around her that she's still OK (photo). She's unforgettable!

vrijdag 12 mei 2017

dinsdag 9 mei 2017

donderdag 6 april 2017

maandag 3 april 2017

woensdag 29 maart 2017

vrijdag 10 maart 2017

woensdag 8 maart 2017