donderdag 22 mei 2014
donderdag 8 mei 2014

My grandson (17 years) caught Lyme last summer, since than he was terrible ill and full of pain;
None of all medical "super"specialists he saw in the last 8 month recognised that terrible illness !!
They used Elisa and Western Blot tests and told him for 100 % sure he had no Lyme.
These two tests, as used in Holland, are cheap but they are completely insufficient.
I like to say these medical "specialists" in Amsterdam are also completely insufficient in diagnosis.
In the meantime, sick as he was after that summer he got sicker and sicker and more and more desperate,
he could not follow his examination year at school, no sports, he got only pain and misery at his side.
Now we know: in Germany they use the right test to discover Lyme desease (by culture):
so finally, by sending his blood sample there it came out for 100 % sure that he caught Lyme
Ridiculously: Dutch health insurance does
not pay for these tests abroad...nor for right medication
Watch this site carefully: (translation possible)
See also the movie: (youtube) Under Our Skin. (documentairy about Lyme desease)
april 2014 in Amsterdam
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